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April Events Report

Pancake Breakfast

On Saturday April 8th an enthusiastic group of Men’s Club members came out early to prepare for the return of our annual pancake and sausage breakfast. At 7 a.m. sharp the sausages went into the oven, coffee and tea were turned on and pancake batter was mixed, along with the many other tasks needed to run this fun event.


Doors opened at 8 a.m. and by 9 a.m. things were in full swing with folks lining up for pancakes, sausages, and syrup.  By closing we had served 150 hungry adults and 35 children. The Club netted $789.25 in support of local charities plus an additional $300 in pie sales were generated in support of the Church.


A big thanks goes out to all the club members who volunteered at this event in support of the community and our Men’s Club.  It was also wonderful to see a return of social gathering within our community at this event.


Next year Easter is earlier in the season and so our pancake breakfast will be on Saturday, March 30th, 2024.  Mark your calendar and plan to volunteer or attend.

April 20th Dinner Meeting - Bill Walker MPP (Retired)

The April 20th dinner meeting for the Sauble & Area Men's Club, hosted by the Allenford Curling Club was attended by 58 men enjoying the opportunity to sit and mingle while sipping on a cool beverage prior to the business portion of the meeting.


President Dennis began the meeting by welcoming everyone in attendance. After the introduction of several guests, we welcomed five new members to our club and our guest speaker Bill Walker rejoined the club.


Reports were then given on various Men’s Club updates since our last meeting, followed by a list of some upcoming activities beginning in May, with golf and horseshoes. Future event details including the Sauble Parkway Road Cleanup, the Touch-A-Truck & BBQ event, the Annual Chesley Lake Golf Tournament and the Bocce Ball & Corn Roast were discussed. We also received an informative report from guest and new member Bob Hopton on the status of the proposed reconstruction of the Hepworth/Shallow Lake Legion building potentially beginning this fall.


​Following the blessing, we all enjoyed a delicious dinner of Lasagna, Caesar Salad and Garlic Bread along with Dessert and Coffee prepared by the Allenford Curling Club.​


Our guest speaker, Bill Walker, MPP(Retired) was introduced by Alf Roth, although we are certain “Billy” really needed no introduction to this group.


“Highlights of My Years at Queen’s Park”


Bill shared with us his tremendous energy and passion to connect with the local community and obtain a true understanding of the needs of the people he represents. The sheer volume of special events that Bill would attend, more than 300 per year in addition to his time spent at Queens Park, is a testament to his commitment of time and effort to the many issues to be dealt with at Queen’s Park.


Bill’s “Key Priority” was to bring our message from the Riding to the Legislature and to bring information from Queens Park back to the Riding.


Education, facts matter, attempt to ensure facts were shared.


“Energizer Billy” - Be a keen and passionate champion at every opportunity with a positive public and political view of issues and opportunities.


Humbled to have experienced a wide variety of roles as an MPP both as a Member of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition and as Member of the Governing Party (Majority) – Much Funner!


In conclusion, Bill’s closing message emphasized how much he was “Honoured to Serve”


“The ability to be elected and SERVE THE PEOPLE” of my home community riding, the people of Ontario and by extension the people of Canada was the greatest honour and privilege I could have ever been given.


It was a responsibility that carried a heavy burden and one that I poured my heart and soul into. I thank my family, friends, and staff (local and Queen’s Park), members of the Public Service and colleagues on all sides of the House for their support and commitment.


It is my true hope that my tenure resulted in our area and province being better than when I started, and that the people I was given the opportunity to represent were pleased with my effort and have respect for the role and job I performed.”


Thank you

Bill Walker – MPP (Retired)


Following Bill’s Presentation, he was thanked for all his dedication and passion to the Province and the Riding of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound by Alec Moore

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